In the last few posts, we were able to integrate the partition
and groupBy
functions into
the staged FoldLeft
and were able to perform short-cut fusion on them. The trick was to find versions
of these functions which could preserve the FoldLeft
representation, so that
the folding need be only eventually done. These functions yielded instances of
on slightly more complex types (Either[A, A]
for partition
, Pair[K, A]
for groupBy
We conveniently swept the issue of removing instances of these ghost types under the carpet. The justification being that “LMS takes care of it, trust me, it works”. In this post, we will take a look under that carpet. To be precise, we will go back to some first principles, and see how staging these will naturally give us the intermediate structure removal “optimization” as a library.
Let us look at the modified implementation of partition
once again:
//inside FoldLeft
def partitionBis(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]): FoldLeft[Either[A, A], S] =
this map { elem => if (p(elem)) left[A, A](elem) else right[A, A](elem) }
Thanks to this implementation, we can continue piping operations until we are
satisfied. The operations are over Either
types though. Last time, we used a
struct representation
for Either
, in order to generate simple structs.
Whether we decided to generate simple structs or case classes, the point is that
we still committed too early to a representation for Either
. Because we were
applying the instance of FoldLeft
to accumulate into a pair of lists, we really
didn’t need to have any instances of Either
. The question therefore is whether
we can somehow delay the representation for our type a bit further.
Exercise 1: Can you think of a way to encode the delayed representation for Either
If you can, then congratulations, you don’t need to read the post any further! If you can’t yet, don’t fret. Think back to one of the basic tricks of functional programming we learnt: when in doubt, try creating an extra function abstraction, and later applying it.
If we do that for Either
, we get the following representation:
abstract class EitherCPS[A, B] { self =>
def apply[X](lf: A => X, rf: B => X): X
Here’s a more mathematical notation:
type EitherCPS[A, B] = forall X. (A => X, B => X) => X
Essentially, EitherCPS
is the function that abstracts over the eventual representation,
or X
. It takes two functions that represent the left and the right side. Naturally
they are also function types. When applied, they will yield the eventual representation
This representation is also known as a CPS encoding [1]: the representation
is concretized when a continuation is passed to an instance of EitherCPS
How do we create Left
and Right
instances? As with the classic Either
, we
can have case classes representing the left and the right variants.
Exercise 2: Implement the apply
function for LeftCPS
and RightCPS
case class LeftCPS[A, B](a: A) extends EitherCPS[A, B] {
def apply[X](left: A => X, right: B => X) = ???
case class RightCPS[A, B](b: B) extends EitherCPS[A, B] {
def apply[X](left: A => X, right: B => X) = ???
The apply
functions above act as element carriers. When, eventually, the instance
of EitherCPS
is applied, the element that is carried is used, and applied to the
left (or right) function.
For convenience sake (and for some more practice), let us also implement the map
Exercise 3: Implement a map
function on EitherCPS
, analogous to the map
on Either
def map[C, D](lmap: A => C, rmap: B => D): EitherCPS[C, D] = ???
This may look tricky at first, but if we follow the types, it is actually quite easy:
def map[C, D](lmap: A => C, rmap: B => D) = new EitherCPS[C, D] {
def apply[X](lf: C => X, rf: D => X) = self.apply(
a => lf(lmap(a)),
b => rf(rmap(b))
As a final practice exercise, let us implement our favorite partition
on lists:
Exercise 3: Implement the partition
function on lists. It should first create
an intermediate list of EitherCPS
, and then fold the result of that list into
a pair of lists:
def partition[A](ls: List[A], p: A => Boolean): (List[A], List[A]) = {
val tmp: List[EitherCPS[A, A]] = ???
tmp.foldLeft(???) { ??? }
The only tricky part is passing the correct continuation to every EitherCPS
element in the temporary list:
def partition[A](ls: List[A], p: A => Boolean): (List[A], List[A]) = {
val tmp: List[EitherCPS[A, A]] = ls map { a =>
if (p(a)) LeftCPS[A, A](a) else RightCPS[A, A](a)
tmp.foldLeft ((List[A](), List[A]()) { case ((trues, falses), elem) =>
elem.apply[(List[A], List[A])](
l => (trues ++ List(l), falses),
r => (trues, falses ++ List(r))
We pass two functions, one which adds an element to the left accumulator, one to the right.
Before we go further, let us shortly reflect on EitherCPS
. This library looks
more complicated than the classic one for Either
: what exactly have we achieved?
We have created a representation for Either
that delays its actual construction.
In the above example, note that when we fold into the final list, we do not pattern
match on an actual instance of Either
: rather we call the apply
method, which
will “do the right thing”. But, arguably, we are still creating instances of EitherCPS
after all, aren’t we? Before solving that problem, let us quickly deepen our intuition
about CPS encodings.
Exercise 4: Can you come up with a mathematical notation (see above) which CPS encodes lists? Hint: you may have seen it here before.
type List[A] = forall X. ???
It turns out to be nothing but the list functor:
type List[A] = forall X. (() => X, (A, X) => X) => X
Does this remind you of something else? You are right, this is the type signature
of foldRight
! And so we have come full circle here:
We started out by representing list operations as fold operations. We thought
this was a good idea because of the essence of fold, i.e. the presence of a unique
morphism from the Fix
algebra to any other algebra. We took the list functor
for granted at that time, as we were only interested in operating with fold.
We got stuck at some point because some operations didn’t fit on the fold
railway. They created unnecessary bloat.
We got unstuck by remembering to go back to the basics (or functor representations), and use their very basic version, also known as CPS encodings.
If you have survived the discussion so far, you may have guessed where we are going
with this. Just like FoldLeft
, EitherCPS
is also a function (or abstract) representation
of something else. Which means we can use the same staging technique to get rid
of any instance of EitherCPS
as well.
Because the staging itself is straightforward (especially as we have done it before), we will not discuss it here. Please take a look at the code for details. Maybe just do this exercise anyway:
Exercise 5: Add appropriate Rep
types to EitherCPS
above to stage it.
Getting back to FoldLeft
, we face one final issue. Here’s the implementation of
using EitherCPS
def partitionCPS(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]): FoldLeft[EitherCPS[A, A], S] =
this map { elem =>
if (p(elem)) LeftCPS[A, A](elem) else RightCPS[A, A](elem)
The compiler will tell us that it is expecting a Rep[EitherCPS[A, A]]
when we
give it an EitherCPS
. We have no choice unfortunately than to create an IR node
that represents this type. Luckily, because we know that we will never need to
generate code for a Rep[EitherCPS[A, B]]
, all we need is to do is add wrappers
around EitherCPS
trait EitherCPSOpsExp extends EitherCPSOps
with BaseExp {
case class EitherWrapper[A, B](e: EitherCPS[A, B]) extends Def[EitherBis[A, B]]
The EitherCPSOpsExp
extends the BaseExp
trait, which in LMS represents the world
of expressions. In this world, values of type Rep[T]
are converted into IR nodes
(of type Exp[T]
or Def[T]
) that represent them. In the above, we have created
a class that extends Def[EitherBis[A, B]]
: we create a type EitherBis
to distinguish
the “repped” type from the CPS representation.
In addition to this, we need to create wrappers for apply
, map
, so that these
operations are also admitted on Rep[EitherBis[A, B]]
. This is straightforward
building blocks stuff in LMS [2], so please take a look at the code. I will
just provide the final implementation of partition here:
def partitionCPS(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]): FoldLeft[EitherBis[A, A], S] =
this map { elem =>
either_conditional(p(elem), mkLeft[A, A](elem), mkRight[A, A](elem))
Before wrapping up, you may have noticed above that there is one final twist. Consider the following expression:
val c = if (p(elem)) mkLeft[A, A](elem) else mkRight[A, A](elem)
c.apply(lf, rf)
LMS uses (originally used) Scala-virtualized to virtualize Scala expressions, i.e.
convert them to method calls [3]. For the above example, the conditional
expression is converted to a call to the __ifThenElse
method, which has the
following signature:
def __ifThenElse[T: Manifest](
cond: Rep[Boolean],
thenp: => Rep[T],
elsep => Rep[T]
): Rep[T]
While in an unstaged setting we would have the above example evaluate to :
if (p(elem)) mkLeft[A, A](elem).apply(lf, rf)
else mkRight[A, A](elem).apply(lf, rf)
In the staged setting, an IR node for a conditional expression is created. Which
means we must introduce an explicit rule for evaluating conditional expressions
that yield a Rep[EitherBis[A, B]]
. Hence the call to either_conditional
in the
code. The implementation is given below:
def either_conditional[A: Manifest, B: Manifest](
cond: Rep[Boolean],
thenp: => Rep[EitherBis[A, B]],
elsep: => Rep[EitherBis[A, B]]
): Rep[EitherBis[A, B]] = (thenp, elsep) match { //stricting them here
case (Def(EitherWrapper(t)), Def(EitherWrapper(e))) =>
EitherWrapper(conditional(cond, t, e))
//in EitherCPS..
def conditional[A: Manifest, B: Manifest](
cond: Rep[Boolean],
thenp: => EitherCPS[A, B],
elsep: => EitherCPS[A, B]
): EitherCPS[A, B] = new EitherCPS[A, B] {
def apply[X: Manifest](lf: Rep[A] => Rep[X], rf: Rep[B] => Rep[X]) =
if (cond) thenp.apply(lf, rf) else elsep.apply(lf, rf)
This way, we tie the final knot! Maybe we could have a general representation for mixed stage conditional expressions, so that we don’t need to re-implement it every time.
So that is it! We have successfully dug under the carpet, and come up with an encoding
for Either
that allows us to optimize it. The nice thing that comes out of this
is that using staging and CPS encodings, we can bring a lot of optimizations to
the library level. One may argue that compilers can do all of this already. The
counter-argument I can think of is that because we have it available at the library
level, it is easier for a DSL developer to control and choose which optimizations
he wants!
The code used in this post can be accessed through the following files:
here. There is a vanilla Scala (aka non-LMS) version here.partition
function using the CPS encoding here.If you want to run this code locally, please follow instructions for setup on
the readme here. The sbt
command to
run the particular test is test-only barbedwire.FoldLeftSuite