Staged FoldLeft and GroupBy

Last time we were able to successfully add the partition function to the staged FoldLeft abstraction. To be precise, we were able to successfully write pipelines with partition, and have them fused, so that no intermediate lists were created, and it was done in a single traversal.

In this post we will consider a cousin of partition’s, the groupBy function. While partitioning splits a list into two groups, groupBy partitions a list into possibly many groups.

The groupBy function

The groupBy function generalises partition. But that’s not the only reason it is interesting. It is a rather common query operation. It is of course used in query languages, but it is also not uncommon in spreadsheet-like languages to visualize results better. An example would be grouping a list of people by their age groups, and then counting the number of people per group.

In Scala, groupBy takes a function as parameter; this function determines which group an element belongs to. The results are aggregated in a HashMap.

Exercise 1: Implement the groupBy function for lists. Can you do it using foldLeft?

def groupBy[A, K](ls: List[A], f: A => K): HashMap[K, List[A]] = ???

Using this function, we can implement a variant of the above example, where we group a list of integers by their remainder in division by 3, and count the number of elements in each group:

val groupedCount: HashMap[Int, Int] = groupBy(myList, a => a % 3) map {
  (k, v) => (k, v.sum)

Note that we use a map function on HashMap after the call to groupBy. Once again, in terms of fusion, we would like to avoid creating the intermediate HashMap[Int, List[Int]].

Staging groupBy

We saw last week that for partition we needed to introduce an extra box type (Either) to represent values that satisfy the predicate (or not). The rationale was to keep everything inside a single FoldLeft, because that represented exactly one traversal.

This attempt to keep everything on one magical railway seems a good idea for groupBy as well. Indeed, the construction of a list for elements of a group is completely arbitrary. It makes sense to delay that construction as late as possible.

Exercise 2: What type should the elements of a group railway have?

The answer is that we should have pairs of type (K, A). At the end of the day, aka the final application of fold, we will decide whether to construct a HashMap[Int, List[Int]] or a HashMap[Int, Int]. So what we have is a function on FoldLeft that we will call groupWith:

//in FoldLeft

def groupWith[K: Manifest](f: Rep[A] => Rep[K]) =
  FoldLeft[(K, A), S] { (z: Rep[S], comb: Comb[(K, A), S]) =>
      (acc, elem) => comb(acc, make_tuple2(f(elem), elem))

Exercise 3: Rewrite the groupBy followed by sum example using groupWith?

val groupedCount: HashMap[Int, Int] = ???

The above example now writes itself as:

val xs = FoldLeft.fromRange[HashMap[Int, Int]](a, b)
val grouped = xs.groupWith(x => x % unit(3))

val groupedCount = grouped.apply(
  HashMap[Int, Int](),
  (dict, x) =>
    if (dict.contains(x._1)) { dict + (x._1, dict(x._1) + x._2) }
    else { dict + (x._1, x._2) }

The bottomline: Paying dues to history

So that’s it! We have been able to successfully add groupBy to our FoldLeft abstraction as well! This is great, because now we can write query like pipelines, and avoid allocating unnecessary structures as well. What’s more, query languages could use this FoldLeft abstraction to generate efficient queries as well! Of course, they would need to do other optimizations such as re-ordering filters/projections. But once that is done, here’s a nice library to implement the final step as!

Before we get ahead of ourselves, there are some questions it would be good to answer first.

I want to still write pipelines using partition and groupBy as if I were using lists

Fair point. I don’t know how to answer this yet. I have a few ideas, which I can hopefully develop in a future post!

Have we extended foldr/build fusion in the process?

It does indeed look as if we can deal with splitting operations, which, at first sight, foldr/build fusion does not seem to handle. Hold your horses though. Check out the following implementations of partition and groupBy for FoldLeft:

//inside FoldLeft

def partitionBis(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]): FoldLeft[Either[A, A], S] =
  this map { elem => if (p(elem)) left[A, A](elem) else right[A, A](elem) }

def groupWith[K: Manifest](f: Rep[A] => Rep[K]): FoldLeft[(K, A), S] =
  this map { elem => make_tuple2(f(elem), elem) }

That’s right. Both of these functions are nothing but specialized applications of map on FoldLeft. In my defense, this was not an intentional obfuscation, I figured this out only now! As we know, foldr/build fusion handles map rather well. So it should also handle partition and groupWith/groupBy OK.

Sad as that may sound, could we still consider ourselves clever? I would think so, for the following reasons:

The code

The code used in this post can be accessed through the following files:

If you want to run this code locally, please follow instructions for setup on the readme here. The sbt command to run the particular test is test-only barbedwire.FoldLeftSuite.


No new references this time. Probably worth to take a look at the foldr/build fusion paper again.

  1. A shortcut to deforestation, Gill et al., FPCA 1993
Manohar Jonnalagedda 12 March 2015