Staging FoldLeft

In the series on shortcut fusion (here and here) we discovered two techniques to remove intermediate data structure in list operation pipelines. This time, let’s actually implement the very first of these!

To be more precise:

Staging and LMS

This post is not meant to be a detailed tutorial on how to use LMS. I will however attempt to give just as much information as is required to understand this post in a self-contained manner.

On that note, multi-stage programming (MSP) is a technique to separate the compilation of a program into multiple stages. In an MSP setting, we explicitly specify which parts of the program can be evaluated at a later stage (and by corollary which parts can be evaluated now). Running such an annotated program p0 will yield a new program p1. This new program is behaviourally equivalent to p0. The difference is that the parts that were not delayed have been evaluated away, and the parts which were explicitly delayed are expressions in p1. Essentially, MSP is a way to perform safe runtime code generation.

Closely related to MSP is the concept of partial evaluation. With this technique, if a program receives a static and a dynamic input, the static part of the program is evaluated away, so that the residual program (which still needs a dynamic input to yield a result) is specialized for the particular static input. This residual program, being specialized, is expected to have better performance than to original program. The main difference with MSP is that the static parts of the program are inferred, rather than explicitly specified.


LMS is short for Lightweight Modular Staging. It is a staging/runtime code generation framework in Scala. The execution of expressions is delayed through the use of a special type constructor, Rep[T]. In other words:

The following diagram captures how to think of an LMS program:


Instead of writing a program as in the left-bottom corner, we will be writing a program containing Rep types, as in the top left corner. LMS will then take care of going to the top-right corner, and beyond.

The type checker allows us to combine Rep expressions in a fairly seamless way, so it feels like we are writing zero-stage programs. However, we are in fact composing code generators when we write an expression of type Rep[T]. This is a very important concept to keep in mind for later on.

Exercise 1: What is the difference between Rep[T => U] and Rep[T] => Rep[U]?

To answer the question, let us desugar the types:

This is the one of the great tricks of writing LMS programs. We want to generate code which contains little/no overhead. Generating functions when not absolutely necessary is therefore futile. This thought is the driving force behind designing a good staged library. Indeed, many higher order functions can take unstaged functions as parameters, and we get inlining for free!


Armed with some knowledge about LMS, let us shift our focus to the main topic. The signature of foldLeft is given below:

def foldLeft[A, B](z: B, comb: (B, A) => B)(xs: List[A]) : B

It takes a zero element, a combination function, and applies it to a list. We have seen that the essence of foldLeft lies in the first parameter list: it can be applied to other collections as well. So we can abstract the second parameter list away for now. Using the guiding design principles, we come up with the following types:

trait FoldLefts extends ListOps with IfThenElse with BooleanOps with Variables
  with OrderingOps with NumericOps with PrimitiveOps with LiftVariables with While  {

   * a type alias for the combination function for
   * foldLeft
   * `A` is the type of elements that pass through the fold
   * `S` is the type that is eventually computed
  type Comb[A, S] = (Rep[S], Rep[A]) => Rep[S]

   * foldLeft is basically a pair of a zero value and a combination function
  abstract class FoldLeft[A: Manifest, S: Manifest]
    extends ((Rep[S], Comb[A, S]) => Rep[S]) {

The enclosing trait FoldLefts mixes in some of LMS’ building blocks which help in composing code generators[4]. Although it may seem like a long list, these are the only building blocks required for this example. In particular, we want to be able to write a bit of mutable code (LiftVariables) and while loops (While). The Manifest annotation on polymorphic types is specific to code generation.

Exercise 2: Pay close attention to the type of abstract class FoldLeft. What is staged, and what is not?

As promised, we are using unstaged functions. Note that we are in fact also using unstaged tuples. There is once again a subtle but all important difference between (Rep[A], Rep[S]) and Rep[(A, S)].

The actual implementation of the foldLeft function for lists can be given as follows:

 * companion object, makes it easier to
 * construct folds
object FoldLeft {

   * helper function for ease of use
  def apply[A: Manifest, S: Manifest](f: (Rep[S], Comb[A, S]) => Rep[S]) =
    new FoldLeft[A, S] {

    def apply(z: Rep[S], comb: Comb[A, S]): Rep[S] = f(z, comb)

   * create a fold from list
  def fromList[A: Manifest, S: Manifest](ls: Rep[List[A]]) =
    FoldLeft[A, S] { (z: Rep[S], comb: Comb[A, S]) =>

    var tmpList = ls
    var tmp = z

    while (!tmpList.isEmpty) {
      tmp = comb(tmp, tmpList.head)
      tmpList = tmpList.tail



I choose to implement it using while loops and mutable (but controlled) variables rather than recursively. Why? I want to generate low-level code for the JVM, which is better at optimizing while loops than recursive functions. This also explains the choice of foldLeft over foldRight.

Exercise 3: Why does fromList take a Rep[List[A]] and not a List[Rep[A]]?

Well, because at the end of the day, we still need to provide an initial list to the fold pipeline. And this list is an actual input to the program, i.e. it is unknown at staging time.

Let’s make sure our code runs. What does that mean? It means:

Let’s implement the identity function, for a sanity check:

 * simple foldLeft back into a list
def foldLeftId(in: Rep[Int]): Rep[List[Int]] = {
  val xs = List(unit(1), unit(2), unit(3))
  val fld = FoldLeft.fromList[Int, List[Int]](xs)

  fld.apply(List[Int](), (ls, x) => ls ++ List(x))


This function needs to be implemented in the right trait to get everything to work properly. Please take a look at the full code (links in the code section below). A few things to pay attention to:

The generated code for foldLeftId has the following form:

val x1 = List(1,2,3)
var x3: scala.collection.immutable.List[Int] = x1
val x2 = List()
var x4: scala.collection.immutable.List[Int] = x2
val x18 = while ({val x5 = x3
  val x6 = x5.isEmpty
  val x7 = !x6
 }) {
  val x9 = x4
  val x10 = x3
  val x11 = x10.head
  val x12 = List(x11)
  val x13 = x9 ::: x12
  x4 = x13
  val x15 = x10.tail
  x3 = x15
val x19 = x4

As we can see, we are left with a barebone while loop, exactly what we wished for.

Exercise 4: Write a function fromRange which creates an instance of foldLeft over a range of integers:

def fromRange[S: Manifest](a: Rep[Int], b: Rep[Int]): FoldLeft[Int, S] = ???

Higher-order functions

We are finally equipped to implement our good friends map, filter, flatMap. Let me get you started with map:

def map[B: Manifest](f: Rep[A] => Rep[B]) =
  FoldLeft[B, S] { (z: Rep[S], comb: Comb[B, S]) =>
    (acc: Rep[S], elem: Rep[A]) => comb(acc, f(elem))

If you have read the previous post on foldr/build fusion, or implemented a map on lists using fold, this should be obvious. The subtle point, however is that the function taken as parameter is an unstaged function. Calling comb(acc, f(elem)) does not only inline the body of comb, but also the body of f, in the right place. This is where all the magic is actually happening. Once again, please take a look at the appropriate test case (and generated code) to make sure you get it.

Exercise 5: Write the filter function:

def filter(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]): FoldLeft[A, S] = ???

Once again, p is a staged function, so applying it inlines the body of the predicate.

Exercise 6: Write the flatMap function:

def flatMap[B: Manifest](f: Rep[A] => FoldLeft[B, S]): FoldLeft[B, S] = ???

Hold on! What is the meaning of the type of f? Let’s expand it:

f: Rep[A] => ((Rep[S], Comb[B, S]) => Rep[S])

We have a curried function. To be precise, we have a curried, unstaged function. If we can fully apply the function (as opposed to partially applying it) we can inline not only the body of f, but also the body of the resulting FoldLeft. This way, we don’t have to worry about generating code that represents a FoldLeft after all! Here goes:

def flatMap[B: Manifest](f: Rep[A] => FoldLeft[B, S]) = FoldLeft[B, S] {
  (z: Rep[S], comb: Comb[B, S]) =>

    (acc: Rep[S], elem: Rep[A]) => {
      val nestedFld = f(elem)
      nestedFld.apply(acc, comb)

As soon as we get a nestedFld, we immediately apply it, so all is well.

Exercise 7: What if the function passed to flatMap creates a FoldLeft using fromList?

In that case, we do indeed have an issue: we will end up creating a list in the generated code. So we should avoid writing such code. It’s much better to use something like fromRange, or even a List[Rep[B]]. Because the programmer is expected to know the shape of the FoldLeft resulting from the flatMap call, we can also reasonably expect her/him to use staged/unstaged structures intelligently.

The bottomline

We have just implemented a compiler optimization for fusion! And we have done it by writing almost only library-like code (modulo Rep types). I don’t know about you, but I find this rather elegant! We have done this by leveraging basic MSP concepts, and the LMS framework. To be absolutely sure, you can take a look at the test cases, where compositions of higher-order functions are implemented. The generated code has the expected shape.

In terms of fusion algorithms, how powerful are we? Well, we are no more powerful than foldr/build fusion: we face the same issues with zip as them. We are also at least as powerful as them: we can fuse all the functions they can. To convince yourself, you could implement concat as an exercise.

So it seems we are as powerful as them (we might need to prove this more formally ). We are arguably more elegant, because we do not rely on beta-reduction or other underlying compiler optimizations. We have implemented a staged library instead!

Update: I had a few discussions with Dmitry, and see things in a slightly different light with respect to elegance. As I understand, foldr/build fusion is implemented in Haskell for lists (among others). The way it is implemented is to use Haskell’s rewrite rule system to get the shortcut fusion in motion. Haskell’s compiler then gets into action, and can perform inlining and other optimizations that we do through LMS here. That is also arguably quite elegant indeed!

In a language like Scala, the compiler cannot do as well, mainly because of virtual dispatch. Working with the LMS library, we have a closed world during code generation time. Hence we can gain more optimization power, and safely perform inlining etc.

The code

The code used in this post can be accessed through the following files:

If you want to run this code locally, please follow instructions for setup on the readme here. The sbt command to run the particular test is test-only barbedwire.FoldLeftSuite.


  1. Multistage programming, the official home page.
  2. Lightweight Modular Staging, the official entry page.
  3. Lightweight modular staging: a pragmatic approach to runtime code generation and compiled DSLs, Rompf et al., CACM 2012
  4. Building-Blocks for Performance Oriented DSLs, Rompf et al., DSL 2011
Manohar Jonnalagedda 19 February 2015