Shortcut Fusion - Part 2

Last time, we discovered foldr/build fusion, a technique to remove intermediate lists in a pipeline of list operations. I initially wanted to talk about its dual, unfoldr/destroy fusion [1], before coming to this, but I think we can skip straight ahead to Stream Fusion [3].

Fusion redux

Just to recap, the idea of fusion is to remove intermediate datastructures created in a pipeline of operations. We would also like our fusion algorithm to have the following desirable properties:

  1. The algorithm should work for as many different list operations as possible.
  2. The algorithm should be simple, elegant even.

Theoretical intuition

We saw last time that foldr/build fusion clearly ticked the second box above. However, functions like zip didn’t fuse well with this algorithm. This is because zip is not well expressed as a foldRight operation: foldRight is an inherently push-like operation, whereas zipping two lists requires us to pull elements from 2 lists before packaging and pushing a pair further downstream.

Exercise 1: Why is foldRight push-based?

Let’s look at the signature of it again:

def foldRight[A, B](z: B)(comb: (A, B) => B)(ls: List[A]): B

The answer lies in the signature of comb. It receives and element of type A, and has to do something with this element. It “pushes” this element further by applying the comb function.

So what if we used a pull-based abstraction over lists instead? That is indeed the idea behind destroy/unfoldr fusion (which we won’t cover). In that case, zips become easy again, but in this abstraction, fusion becomes tricky for filter. In a pull-based abstraction, filter is implemented in a recursive manner. To get some intuition why, I’d recommend reading up the implementation of this function for Scala’s Iterator.

The bottomline is that whatever the abstraction, it is easy to perform fusion if list operations are implemented as processing one element at a time. A recursive implementation of filter implies that we may process many elements in one single go, and this makes it difficult to fuse.

Enter Stream Fusion

So the problem is that in both cases, some functions don’t fit the abstraction quite well. Enter Stream Fusion, or streams, to be more precise. Note: these are not streams in the Scala sense of it.

The stream abstraction lies somewhat in the middle of the push/pull divide. One can think of it as a magical railway: elements pass through a stream, or a railway track. Once in a while, these elements may slip and fall, at which point the track may choose to create ghost elements to push further down the track.

Before looking at the implementation of streams, we can try to see how stream fusion works. There are two steps to it:

Part 1: Lists to Streams

Convert a list to a stream, and run the equivalent list operation on the stream instead, before finally converting back to a list. For example,

map(ls, f)

is rewritten as

mkList(map_s(mkStream(xs), f))

where the _s suffix stands for the operation on streams. Then, apply the following shortcut rule:

mkStream(mkList(bla)) ---> bla

Exercise 2: Verify that the above rule gets rid of intermediate lists in a sequence of map functions:

map((map(xs, f)), g)

Part 2: Streams to “Nothing at all”

Once there are only operations on streams left, the underlying compiler (in this case, Haskell) can eliminate streams, and any other intermediate objects, altogether. We will not be seeing how this is done in this post, unfortunately. I hope to be able to show you that sometime soon in the future!

In the rest of this article, we will acquaint ourselves with the stream data structure, at least to get an intuition of why it’s so easy to eliminate later on.

Streams themselves

The signature for the Stream datastructure is given below:

trait Streams {

  /** ADT for a Stepper */
  abstract class Step[A,S]
  case class Done[A,S]() extends Step[A,S]
  case class Yield[A,S](a: A, s: S) extends Step[A,S]
  case class Skip[A,S](s: S) extends Step[A,S]

   * The stream class
   * @param A: the type of elements that the Stream sees
  abstract class Stream[A]{ self =>

     * Type of the seed given to a stream
    type S

     * The seed itself over which the stream "iterates"
    def seed: S

     * The function that is used to step through the seed
    def stepper(s: S): Step[A, S]

Essentially, a stream is a function from a seed type S to a step Step[A, S], which we call stepper. The seed type, in our case is List. The Step data type serves three purposes:

For some intuition, here’s a way to create a stream from a list:

 * converting a list into a stream
def toStream[T](ls: List[T]) = new Stream[T] {

  type S = List[T]
  def seed = ls

  def stepper(xs: List[T]) = xs match {
    case Nil => Done()
    case (y :: ys) => Yield(y, ys)

This seems rather straightforward: if a list is empty, we are done, otherwise we yield the head of the list, with the seed being the tail.

Exercise 3: Write functions enumFromTo, which creates a stream from a integer interval, and unStream, which collapses a stream into a list:

def enumFromTo(a: Int, b: Int): Stream[Int] = ???

//inside class Stream[A]
def unStream: List[A] = ???

Stream functions

We can now safely attack stream functions. Let’s do the simplest one first. Actually, it’ll be another exercise :-)

Exercise 3: Write the map function over streams:

//inside class Stream[A]
def map[B](f: A => B): Stream[B] = ???

For the filter function, the idea is to introduce an explicit Skip if the predicate is not satisfied:

def filter(p: A => Boolean): Stream[A] = new Stream[A] {

  type S = self.S
  def seed = self.seed

  def stepper(s: S) = self.stepper(s) match {
    case Done() => Done()
    case Yield(a, s2) => if (p(a)) Yield(a, s2) else Skip(s2)
    case Skip(s) => Skip(s)

Aha! So filtering is the place where we need to generate these ghost objects. Actually, the advantage of this trick is very subtle. How would we have implemented filter otherwise? Well we’d have to recursively call it. Intuitively, the problem there is that it breaks the railway track analogy. We dearly want all stream operations to act as track operators.

Let’s do flatMap now. Here again, it seems rather tricky to produce one element at a time. Indeed, for every element a: A that we receive, we produce a Stream[B]. We first need to exhaust all elements from this stream before going back to the top-level stream. The trick is to capture the information that we are iterating over a particular (top-level or nested) stream as a piece of state:

def flatMap[B](f: A => Stream[B]) = new Stream[B] {

   * the seed is composed of the original seed from A
   * and a possible stream representing temporary results
   * from flattening
  type S = (self.S, Option[Stream[B]])
  def seed = (self.seed, None)

  def stepper(s: S) = s match {

     * The case when we have either exhausted the
     * elements from `self`, or are in an intermediate
     * state, where a new `A` can appear
    case (s1, None) => self.stepper(s1) match {
      case Done() => Done()
      case Yield(a, s2) => Skip((s2, Some(f(a))))
      case Skip(s2) => Skip(s2, None)

     * The case when we are iterating through the stream
     * yielded by applying `f`
    case (s1, Some(str)) => str.stepper(str.seed) match {
      case Done() => Skip((s1, None))
      case Yield(b, s2) =>

        val newStream = new Stream[B] {
          type S = str.S
          def seed = s2
          def stepper(s: S) = str.stepper(s)

        Yield(b, (s1, Some(newStream)))

      case Skip(s2) =>
        val newStream = new Stream[B] {
          type S = str.S
          def seed = s2
          def stepper(s: S) = str.stepper(s)

        Skip(s1, Some(newStream))

This state is captured in the seed type S for the resulting, flatmapped stream, which is a pair. The right side of this pair corresponds to having a nested stream to run through.

Finally, let us also implement zip, which was difficult last week, but gets considerably easier now:

def zip[B](b: Stream[B]) = new Stream[(A, B)] {

  type S = (self.S, b.S)
  def seed = (self.seed, b.seed)

  def stepper(s: S) = s match { case (sa, sb) =>

    (self.stepper(sa), b.stepper(sb)) match {
      case (Done(), Done()) => Done()
      case (Yield(a, sa2), Yield(b, sb2)) => Yield((a, b), (sa2, sb2))
      case (Yield(_, _), Skip(sb2)) => Skip((sa, sb2))
      case (Skip(sa2), Yield(_, _)) => Skip((sa2, sb))


Once again, we have a slightly more complex seed type. Indeed, both the left and right streams in the zip could have skips. We want to synchronize arrivals on both streams in order to yield a pair. If indeed we have a Skip on one side, we will just wait one more step.

Exercise 4: Verify that the zip function from last time can now be fused thanks to stream fusion:

zip(from(1, 10), from(2, 11))

Hint: you can use enumFromTo as the equivalent of from for lists.

The bottomline

The stream datastructure is a bit of a hybrid push-pull structure. Although it primarily is a pull structure (we request a new element given a state), because we can create ghost elements, we still have the notion of proceeding one element at a time, which is the essence of a push abstraction.

I will end this article with a bit of intuition as to why it’s easy to eliminate streams. As we said before, streams are essentially functions from a seed to a stepper value. So they can be inlined at call-site. Which means streams themselves don’t exist. All we have is now functions that manipulate pairs, Option and Step, which are algebraic data types. Haskell’s compiler can for the most part see these and eliminate them as well!

The explanation is very wishiwashi admittedly. I hope to explain how it works (maybe even work it out) soon enough though. So stay tuned!

The code

The code used in this post can be accessed through the following files:


  1. Shortcut fusion for accumulating parameters & zip-like functions, Svenningsson, ICFP 2003
  2. Theory and Practice of Fusion, Hinze et al., IFL 2010
  3. Stream Fusion: from lists to streams to nothing at all, Coutts et al. , ICFP 2007
Manohar Jonnalagedda 11 February 2015