Shortcut Fusion - Part 1

Last time, we discovered that fold is one of the basic recursion schemes. It is a generic way to evaluate recursive types. This high level of genericity is very handy in practice: in this series of posts on fusion, I will try to show why.

Fusion, aka deforestation

In programming languages, fusion refers to the act of removing intermediate data structures in a program. We want to do this so that less memory is allocated, and hopefully performance of the program is improved as well. We concentrate in this series on lists. Here is an example of a program one might want to fuse:

def dotproduct(xs: List[Int], ys: List[Int]): Int = {
  val zipped = xs zip ys
  val multiplied = zipped map { case (x, y) => x * y }

The dot product function above is easy to read as it closely follows the mathematical definition. We have created intermediate lists zipped and multiplied. In fact, we can write the same function without creating any intermediate lists:

def dotproduct2(xs: List[Int], ys: List[Int]): Int = {
  def loop(xs2: List[Int], ys2: List[Int], tmp: Int): Int = (xs2, ys2) match {
    case (x :: rest1, y :: rest2) => loop(rest1, rest2, tmp + x * y)
    case (Nil, _) => tmp
    case (_, Nil) => tmp

  loop(xs, ys, 0)

The function dotproduct2 is arguably less easy to read. What saves it is a decent name for the function. But it is more efficient. The idea behind fusion is to convert functions written in a dotproduct style to efficient equivalents in the dotproduct2 style, by “fusing” operations together.

Moreover, we want a good fusion algorithm:

  1. The algorithm should work for as many different list operations as possible.
  2. The algorithm should be simple, elegant even.

And so with this in mind, let’s have some fun with folds.

Fun with fold

Recall the fold function implementation over a Fix type from last week:

def fold[F[_], A](alg: F[A] => A)(fx: Fix[F])(implicit ev: Functor[F]): A = {
  val lifted: F[Fix[F]] = fx.out
  val mapped: F[A] = ev.fmap(lifted, fold(alg) _)

Now that we know the theory, we can specialize this functions to lists only. This function is known as foldRight:

def foldRight[A, B](z: B)(comb: (A, B) => B)(ls: List[A]): B = ls match {
  case Nil => z
  case x :: xs => comb(x, foldRight(z)(comb)(xs))

Going from the generic implementation, we now choose to use recursive (non-Fix) types, and inline the functor’s fmap implementation. As the name indicates, foldRight applies the function comb to the right. So fold is one of the basic recursion schemes, which means that many functions on list can be implemented using it. Here’s the map function, which applies an function to each element of a list:

def map[A, B](ls: List[A], f: A => B): List[B] = foldRight(List[B]()) {
  (x: A, acc: List[B]) => f(x) :: acc

Exercise 1: Implement sum, filter, flatMap using foldRight:

def sum(ls: List[Int]): Int = ???
def filter[A](ls: List[A], p: A => Boolean): List[A] = ???
def flatMap[A, B](ls: List[A], f: A => List[B]): List[B] = ???

There is also another way to fold over a list, namely foldLeft. Instead of collapsing elements to the right, we collapse them to the left. Slightly trickier, but it turns out (what a surprise!) that it can be implemented using foldRight as well.

Exercise 2: Implement foldLeft using foldRight:

def foldLeft[A, B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(ls: List[A]): B = ???

To implement this function, we use a classic functional programming trick:

It is easy to call foldRight directly on the list, but that messes us the evaluation order. We know that foldRight proceeds right-to-left. The only way to proceed left-to-right, therefore, is to build a function first, and then apply this function later. The function is built during the right-to-left traversal. Let’s call this function inner.

Naturally it’s return type has to be B, because we expect it to be applied and to return the correct result eventually. Let us think about the base case. If the input list ls is empty, the output must be z. The result of foldRight should be a function, that, when given, something, returns z.

The combination function should accumulate the elements seen so far and create a function which will eventually be use to accumulate in left-to-right order. This forces the type of inner to be B => B. Hence the following implementation:

def foldLeft[A, B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(ls: List[A]): B = {
  val inner = foldRight((x: B) => x) {
    (x: A, acc: B => B) =>
      (y: B) => acc(f(y, x))

Abstracting over list building

That was fun! It was also very useful. We were able to define list functions using foldRight. So if we can find a good rule to fuse folds, then we have a simple fusion algorithm indeed. This is the idea behind foldr/build fusion [1].

The name foldr/build suggests a presence of a dual operation. Indeed, folds can be viewed as operations that consume/collapse lists, whereas a build operation constructs a list. Here is a signature of build (I invite you to look at the paper for a curried version of this):

type build[A, B] = ((B, (A, B) => B)) => B) => B

This is a bit complicated to read, so let’s break it down, and Scala-ify things. It looks like build is a function that itself takes a function g and returns an element. The function g takes a pair and returns an element. Let’s inpect the pair a bit closer. The first element is an element of type B, and the second is a function itself, that takes two elements, one of type A, the other of type B, and returns an element of type B. But wait, we have seen this before!

Exercise 3: Replace B above by List[A]. What do you get? What if you replace B by Int?

That’s right! The two elements are values for Nil and Cons. And if you remember from last week’s post, this is essentially a specialization of algebras for the list functor! Let’s rewrite this a bit more clearly:

trait ListAlgebra[A, B] {
  def nil: B
  def cons(a: A, b: B): B
def build[A, B](f: ListAlgebra[A, B] => B): B

We can create a specific instance for building lists, and a specific build function that applies it:

class ListBuilder[A] extends ListAlgebra[A, List[A]] {
  def nil = Nil
  def cons(a: A, b: List[A]) = a :: b
def build[A](f: ListBuilder[A] => List[A]): List[A] = f(new ListBuilder[A])

We can now implement many list creating functions using build. Here’s a more complicated one, for zipping two lists:

def zip[A, B](xs: List[A], ys: List[B]): List[(A, B)] = {
  def zipBuilder = (b: ListBuilder[(A, B)]) => (xs, ys) match {
    case (x :: xs, y :: ys) => b.cons((x, y), zip(xs, ys))
    case _ => b.nil

Exercise 4: can you reimplement map, flatMap, and filter using buiders and foldR? What about sum? Exercise 5: implement the from function, which creates a list of integers between a given bound, using build:

def from(a: Int, b: Int): List[Int] = ???

The fusion part itself

The fusion algorithm for foldr/build fusion is simple, yet elegant. It says that we can replace any occurence of the following:


with the following (pseudo-code):

gB(new Builder(nil = z, cons = comb))

Anytime we are building a list and immediately consuming it, we can effectively get rid of the intermediate list building. This is known as shortcut fusion because we introduce a rule that takes a local short cut in terms of list building. In the rest of the article we will simple rewrite the above as gB(z, cons). The suffix B will denote the fact that we call a builder function.

Let’s verify that this rule works for a sequence of two maps:

map((map(xs, f)), g)
↪ build(mapB(map(xs, f), g)) //map defined using build
↪ build(foldR(mapBg.nil)(mapBg.cons)(map(xs, f)) //expanding mapB
↪ build(foldR(mapBg.nil)(mapBg.cons)(build(mapB(xs, f))) //map defined using build
↪ build(mapB(xs, f)(mapBg.nil, mapBg.cons)) //using foldr/build rule

As we have seen, mapB is itself defined using foldRight. The combination function for this foldRight will be the composition of f and g (working a few more steps), and we notice that indeed, we have been rid of the intermediate list!

Exercise 6: verify that we get rid of all intermediate lists in the dotproduct function from above, if map and zip are defined using build and foldRight.


Though it looks wonderful, there are a few fusion cases that are not very well covered by foldr/build fusion. The best example is that of zipping two lists. While we can get rid of the list produced by zip, as we saw in the dotproduct case, zipping the input lists is not possible with the current algorithm.

Let’s see why. Here’s the simplest example I can think of:

zip(from(1, 10), from(2, 11))

This evaluates to:

zip(from(1, 10), from(2, 11))
↪ build(zipB(from(1, 10), from(2, 11))) //zip defined using build
↪ build(zipB(build(fromB(1, 10)), build(fromB(2, 11))) //from defined using build
↪ ???

There is no rule we can apply to simplify the above. So we cannot apply the foldr/build fusion rule here. But, what if we could define zip using foldRight?

Exercise 7: Implement a function zip2 using foldRight:

def zip2[A, B](xs: List[A], ys: List[B]): List[(A, B)] = ???

This is another tricky one. So let’s resort to the classic functional programming trick again. We get the following solution:

def zip2[A, B](xs: List[A], ys: List[B]) = {
  val done = (zs: List[B]) => List[(A, B)]()

  val comp = (x: A, acc: List[B] => List[(A, B)]) => {
    zs: List[B] => zs match {
      case Nil => Nil
      case z :: zs2 => (x, z) :: acc(zs2)

  (foldRight(done)(comp)(xs)) (ys)

Indeed, we can use foldRight on a single list. So we have to build a function in the first pass which, when applied construct the list of pairs. Using this new definition, we get the following evaluation for our example

zip2(from(1, 10), from(2, 11))
↪ zip2(build(fromB(1, 10)), build(fromB(2, 11))) // from defined using build
↪ zip2(xs, ys) // renaming for simplicity
↪ (foldR(z)(comb)(xs))(ys) // zip2 defined using foldRight
↪ (foldR(z)(comb)(build(fromB(1, 10))))(ys)
↪ (fromB(1, 10)(z)(comb))(ys)

We can definitely get rid of the first intermediate list, but not the second one. How could we get rid of both input lists? This is a job for the next posts in the series!

The bottomline

Folds are a lot of fun. We can implement a lot of list functions using folds. They also turn out to be useful in practice (who knew!). If we abstract over list building as well, then we can use a single rule to fuse operations together, and get rid of intermediate lists. The approach is not complete however, but we’ll soon see how we can improve upon it.

The code

You can find the code related to this post here.


  1. A shortcut to deforestation, Gill et al., FPCA 1993
  2. Theory and Practice of Fusion, Hinze et al., IFL 2010
Manohar Jonnalagedda 26 January 2015