In the last post, we saw that recursive types are quite powerful. Using them it is possible to type any lambda expression. In this post, I will pursue this exploration of recursive types a bit more. The exploration is focussed on what we can do with these recursive types, rather than type theory concepts related to them. We will however go a bit categorical. I will therefore assume some basic knowledge of category theory (don’t worry, I don’t know much about it either, just enough to write this post).
Let’s do some simple exercises to get started with. We will have two running examples during the post, Peano Numbers, and lists of integers.
Peano Numbers
Peano numbers are an encoding of the natural numbers. A number of type Nat
either defined as zero, or as the successor of another number. In Scala, we can
use case classes to represent these numbers:
abstract class Nat
case object Zero extends Nat
case class Succ(n: Nat) extends Nat
Exercise 1: Write a function nat2Int
that converts a Peano number to its
integer representation:
def nat2Int(n: Nat): Int = ???
Integer Lists
Another classic example is lists. A list of integers, IntList
is either defined
as the empty list Nil
, or a Cons
list, which contains an integer, and an IntList
which is the tail.
abstract class IntList
case object Nil extends IntList
case class Cons(n: Int, xs: IntList) extends IntList
Exercise 2: Write a function sumList
that sums up the elements of a list
of integers:
def sumList(xs: IntList): Int = ???
Remember, we discussed before
how the fixed-point combinator can be used to define recursive functions. In fact,
it lifts the need for native recursion. The combinator, called y
, takes a
function f
as input, and satisfies the following property:
y (f) = f (y (f))
Naturally, we can wonder whether there is an equivalent fixed-point combinator
for types. Indeed, there is such a combinator, which we call Fix
. It’s use is
analogous to y
. While y
helps to succinctly define a function that can unfold
arbitrarily many times, Fix
allows to succinctly specify a type than can be
arbitrarily unfolded. Before introducing Fix
, let us first remove the recursion
from the types we defined above in the examples.
Peano numbers, non-recursive
Take a look at the following definition:
abstract class NatF[+T]
case object Zero extends NatF[Nothing]
case class Succ[+T](t: T) extends NatF[T]
As we can see, Succ
is now defined non-recursively.
Exercise 3: When we had Nat
, the number 3
could be represented as
. How do we represent 3
as a NatF
? What is it’s type?
Integer lists, non-recursive
Let’s do the same with integer lists:
abstract class IntListF[+T]
case object NilF extends IntListF[Nothing]
case class ConsF[+T](n: Int, t: T) extends IntListF[T]
Exercise 4: What is the type of ConsF(1, ConsF(2, ConsF(3, Zero)))
When in doubt, it is a good idea to use the console, try things out:
scala> :t Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))
scala> :t ConsF(1, ConsF(2, ConsF(3, NilF)))
These examples show that the type for a particular value expands with that value.
So a very large integer list, or a very big Peano number, would have a very big
corresponding type. The intuition behind the Fix
combinator is to give a succinct
type to any arbitrary sized value. Continuing the analogy, we expect Fix
satisfy the following property:
Fix[F] = F[Fix[F]]
Exercise 5: Replace F
by NatF
or IntListF
. Does it make sense?
So let us create Fix
in Scala. The first attempt
type Fix[F[_]] = F[Fix[F]]
does not work because we cannot define a type alias cyclically. Here is a second attempt:
case class Fix[F[_]](out: F[Fix[F]])
This works. It is either very subtle, or blindingly obvious, that a class definition as above achieves two goals:
. The notation F[_]
means that we
expect F
to be higher-kinded.F[Fix[F]]
, and eturns a value of type Fix[F]
. This indeed does
satisfy the definition of a fixed-point combinator for types.Exercise 6: Can we recreate Nat
and IntList
from Fix
, NatF
, IntListF
Hint: they can be defined as type aliases.
This concludes the first section of this rather long post. We have seen that using
we can create recursive types. So far it looks like we are just playing with t
ypes because we have some visceral liking for it. Fear not, however. Our efforts
will pay off soon. Before that, we will have to take a bit of a diversion.
The suffix F
in both NatF
and IntListF
stands for Functor. A functor is a
concept in category theory, that helps transform objects and arrows in a category
C to objects and arrows in another category D, respectively. This transformation
has to satisfy laws which “preserves the structure” of the objects/arrows that
have been transformed. An endo-functor is a functor where the start category and
the end category are the same. Please do take a look at a more detailed definition
if interested.
For the purpose of this post, we will work with a very specific category, which
is the category Scala. In this category, objects are types, and arrows are
functions. What is a (endo-)functor for Scala then? Well a functor F
to a type F[T]
.f: T => U
to a function f_F: F[T] => F[U]
. This function
is usually known as fmap
of map
.There are two functor laws that must be satisfied are:
fmap(id[A]) == id[F[A]]
map(f andThen g) == map(f) andThen map(g)
Once might (as I did) want to think of the first property as a function that lifts
a value of type T
to a value of type F[T]
. This is however a wrong intuition
(thanks Sandro for pointing this out!). A functor takes types to types, but not
values of types to values of values of types. In case such a function does indeed
exist, we may be dealing with an
Applicative Functor.
As per the above definition, we can see that NatF
and IntListF
already satisfy
the first part. There is no notion, however, of arrow transformation. An elegant
way to do this is to create a special trait Functor
which forces the implementation
of fmap
, and provide implementations of fmap
for both NatF
and IntListF
This is known as the type class approach. The Functor
trait looks as follows:
trait Functor[F[_]] {
* also known in categorical speak as Ff
def fmap[A, B](r: F[A], f: A => B): F[B]
Let us provide evidences for our example functors:
* NatF is a (endo-)functor on the category of Scala types
* It takes a type T to a type NatF[T]
* it takes a function T => U to a function NatF[T] => NatF[U]
* This is given by implementing an instance of the Functor typeclass
object natFunctor extends Functor[NatF] {
def fmap[A, B](r: NatF[A], f: A => B) = r match {
case Zero => Zero
case Succ(a) => Succ(f(a))
* IntListF is a (endo-)functor on the category of Scala types
* It takes a type T to a type IntListF[T]
* it takes a function T => U to a function IntListF[T] => IntListF[U]
* This is given by implementing an instance of the Functor typeclass
object intListFunctor extends Functor[IntListF] {
def fmap[A, B](r: IntListF[A], f: A => B) = r match {
case NilF => NilF
case ConsF(n, a) => ConsF(n, f(a))
Understanding these implementations should be rather straightforward here. We pattern match on the variants of each functor and apply the function as appropriate.
Exercise 7: Can you show that the functor laws hold for the above implementations?
So far, we have defined functors NatF
and IntListF
. It has been an interesting
exercise, but we cannot do anything with them just as of yet. We might, for instance,
want to sum elements in a list, or get the Int
representation for a Peano number
(as in exercises 1 and 2). An F-Algebra formalizes this concept. An F-Algebra is
(from a category C
).a: F[A] => A
.In Scala, we can use represent an algebra as a type alias:
type Algebra[F[_], A] = F[A] => A
Here are example algebras, one for NatF
and one for IntListF
* An algebra for the NatF functor, that computes the successor function
val intNatAlgebra: Algebra[NatF, Int] = (elem: NatF[Int]) => elem match {
case Zero => 0
case Succ(n) => n + 1
* An algebra for the IntListF functor, for summation
val intListAlgebra: Algebra[IntListF, Int] = (elem: IntListF[Int]) => elem match {
case NilF => 0
case ConsF(n, x) => n + x
Exercise 8: Using intNatAlgebra
, can you implement nat2Int
from the first
Actually, the above question was given too early. We need a few more things to be able to confidently answer it.
The Fix
We have defined algebras for our example functors, where the type A
is Int
We can also create algebras where A
is the fix type:
type Nat = Fix[NatF]
val fixNatAlgebra: Algebra[NatF, Nat] = (elem: NatF[Nat]) => Fix(elem)
type IntList = Fix[IntListF]
val fixIntListAlgebra: Algebra[IntListF, IntList] =
(elem: IntListF[IntList]) => Fix(elem)
Why do we even care for Fix
? It’s too mind-bending a type. Because
forms a very particular algebra, known as the
initial algebra. From this algebra
to any other algebra (a, A)
, there is a unique
mapping. The type of this
unique mapping isuniqMap: (F[Fix[F]] => Fix[F]) => (F[A] => A)
Let’s look at what Fix[F]
means. It already represents the initial algebra
by itself. As we saw above, Fix
is not only a type, it also represents a
constructor, aka a function F[Fix[F]] => Fix[F]
We can use the fact that this unique mapping exists. Given some algebra F[A] => A
we can implement a function from F[Fix[F]] => A
. Because, by definition,
F[Fix[F]] === Fix[F]
, in fact we can implement a function from Fix[F] => A
This function is called fold
def fold[F[_], A](alg: F[A] => A)(fx: Fix[F])(implicit ev: Functor[F]): A = {
val lifted: F[Fix[F]] = fx.out
val mapped: F[A] = ev.fmap(lifted, fold(alg) _)
Exercise 9: Can you now implement, using fold
, Fix
, the functions
and sumList
We have discovered the true meaning of fold. It is one of the basic recursion schemes. It is a generic way to evaluate recursive types!
You can find the code related to this post here.