Staged FoldLeft and Partition

Last time we saw how to stage foldLeft in LMS. We saw that this abstraction allows us to write pipelines of operations over list-like functions, so that no intermediate lists are created.

In this post, I will look at the partition function, and study how we could fuse it. I will try to take you through some partial, imperfect and downright wrong ideas I have had, before eventually getting to what I think is a decent solution, with a little help from my friends.

We will build on top of the staged foldLeft expression from last time. As usual, you can look at the code (links at the end of this post).

The partition function

The partition function on lists takes a list, a predicate, and returns two lists, one containing elements satisfying the predicate, and the other those that do not. We can implement this function using foldLeft:

def partition[A](ls: List[A], p: A => Boolean): (List[A], List[A]) =
  ls.foldLeft ((List[A](), List[A]())) { case ((trues, falses), elem) =>
    if (p(elem)) (trues ++ List(elem), falses)
    else (trues, falses ++ List(elem))

The initial element is a pair of empty lists. At each iteration of the original list, we either add the element to the first or the second list, based on the predicate.

An example usage of partition is given here:

val myList: List[Int] = ...
val (evens, odds) = partition(myList, (x: Int) => x % 2 == 0)
(evens map (_ * 2), odds map (_ * 3))

In the context of fusion, we naturally want to avoid creating the evens and odds lists.

A first attempt

Let’s see how the above would work on the staged foldLeft abstraction. We can try to first mimic the above type signature.

Exercise 1: Implement a function partition that creates a pair of FoldLefts:

//inside the `FoldLeft` class
def partition(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]): (FoldLeft[A, S], FoldLeft[A, S]) = ???

The one way I can think of doing this is creating two foldlefts using the filter function:

def partition(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]): (FoldLeft[A, S], FoldLeft[A, S]) = {
  val trues = this filter p
  val falses = this filter (a => !p(a))
  (trues, falses)

This looks good! Let us look at an example, to see what code is generated. Here’s the equivalent of the above example usage:

def partitionmapRange(a: Rep[Int], b: Rep[Int]): Rep[(List[Int], List[Int])] = {
  val xs = FoldLeft.fromRange[List[Int]](a, b)
  val (evens, odds) = xs.partition(_ % unit(2) == unit(0))
  val (mappedEvens, mappedOdds) = (evens map (_ * unit(2)) , odds map (_ * unit(3)))
  val evenList = (evens map (_ * unit(2))).apply(List[Int](), (ls, x) => ls ++ List(x))
  val oddList = (odds map (_ * unit(3))).apply(List[Int](), (ls, x) => ls ++ List(x))

  make_tuple2(evenList, oddList)

In addition to the building blocks we used last time, we are now using staged pairs (aka Rep[(A, B)]). We have access to these through the TupleOps trait (please look at the source). The make_tuple2 function simply makes this tuple creation explicit. Let us see what code this generates. It does not make much sense to post the code here, it will break the reading flow. So please access it here.

We see that the map calls on partitioned lists get inlined as expected, so that’s good. Except that we have two iterations over the original list, instead of one. If we take a closer look at the code, it is really not that surprising that we get two loops. Indeed FoldLeft is an abstraction for evaluating an algebra, and for lists (other collections) it is essentially an abstraction for a loop. Using the filter function twice we get two naturally get two loops.

But generating two loops is not great: what if the range is really big, or if the predicate function is computationally expensive? It really would be much better to have a single loop. One possibility would be to have a lower-level transformation that can combine two loops running on the same domain into a single loop. This is known as vertical loop fusion [1]. But it feels a bit ironic to use another fusion algorithm to implement our own fusion algorithm. We should be able to handle this ourselves, or at worst argue why we cannot.

Yet another attempt

Another possibility is to blindly follow the example list implementation, and replace lists with FoldLeft as possible:

def partition(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]): Rep[(FoldLeft[A, S], FoldLeft[A, S])] =
  this.apply(/*what z*/){ /** what comb function */ }

Hmm. This also does not look like a great idea. What z value should we provide to the apply function? We need something that is a staged pair of FoldLeft. Which implies that we need to have some representation for Rep[FoldLeft], and know how to generate code for it. We could indeed do that, by creating specific IR trees for FoldLeft and creating possible code generators for these trees1.

Once again though, this breaks the design of FoldLeft to some extent, because we did intend it to be a unstaged encoding to start with. We should try to keep the design to the extent that it is possible, and change only if we find out that we cannot (once again arguing why it is not possible).

Partition bis: the use of ghost wrappers

The problem with partition is that while we fold the initial list, we want to push the element to the correct downstream pipeline. As we saw in previous posts, FoldLeft is push based, or a producer. The split point of the partition function acts as a relay, which does not produce anything as much as relay elements to the right port. One idea might be to flip things around so that a consumer abstraction takes over at the receiving end:

Consumer monster, image courtesy Nicolas2

As the above image portrays, that’s yet another beast. Maybe we might need it for other operations, but for partition we can do without it. Let us focus once again on our objective: we want to generate a single loop. We already have an abstraction for a loop, namely FoldLeft. So this fixes the return type for the new partition function. Coming back to the partition function on lists, if we want to produce a list (instead of a pair of lists), the type of the elements must be something that captures the notion of left and right. Wait, but we have a type for that, and it’s called Either!

Exercise 2: Implement partition on lists so that it return a List[Either[A, A]]:

def partition[A](ls: List[A], p: A => Boolean): List[Either[A, A]] = ???

The intro example then turns into the following:

val myList: List[Int] = ...
val partitioned: List[Either[Int, Int]] = partition(myList, (x: Int) => x % 2 == 0) { x => * 2, _ * 3) }

//if we want to get two lists in the end
val (evens, odds) =  partitioned.foldLeft ((List[A](), List[A]())) {
  case ((trues, falses), elem) => elem match {
    case Left(x) => (trues ++ List(x), falses)
    case Right(x) => (trues, falses ++ List(x))

For mapping on the partitioned elements, we use the map function on Either: it takes two functions, one to apply to Left elements, one to Right elements. If we do indeed need two lists at the end, we can fold the list into two separate lists.

Let us step back for a second. What have we done? We have created an indirection for the partitioning through a type that can differentiate two options. This way, we still get to do the partitioning in one loop, but we end up creating extra boxed data structures (of type Either). Which is also unnecessary overhead. You are right… except that we are in a staging framework, so instead of using simple Either, we can use its cousin staged Either. More generally, we can represent Either as a struct with three fields (left, right, and a flag isLeft). And then bank on underlying optimizations for structs to kick off, and eliminate them completely.

Fortunately, staged structs and corresponding optimizations are implemented in LMS [1], and you can take a look at them here. By using all these underlying optimizations, it does indeed become possible to implement partition for FoldLeft and get rid of the ghost wrappers at generation time. Here is the implementation of the function:

def partitionBis(p: Rep[A] => Rep[Boolean]) =
  FoldLeft[Either[A, A], S] { (z: Rep[S], comb: Comb[Either[A, A], S]) =>
      (acc, elem) =>
        if (p(elem)) comb(acc, left[A, A](elem))
        else comb(acc, right[A, A](elem))

In addition to the previous building blocks, we are now using the EitherOps trait which handles Either as a struct in LMS. Please do take a look at the test case and corresponding generated code to get a better understanding.

The bottomline

So there we go! It is possible to implement partition for FoldLeft, and have no intermediate lists created. For this to work, we use ghost wrappers, and rely on LMS optimizations to eliminate these wrappers later. This raises some questions:

I thought we did not want to rely on anything and handle everything ourselves?

Well, yes and no. We wanted to avoid having to create staged versions of our FoldLeft abstraction, and we wanted to avoid using another fusion algorithm to implement our fusion algorithm. We use optimizations on structs, which, with respect to FoldLeft, is an arguably lower-level optimization. We can hence reasonably argue that our initial goals are still achieved.

Are we still in a short-cut setting?

LMS enables two ways of rewriting/simplifying IR nodes:

In our case, we are only using the first way. Any rewrites which LMS performs are therefore shortcut rewrites. They are shortcut rewrites on underlying structures, not on FoldLeft or List. For example, some rewrites we perform are:

Please look at the code if you want an exhaustive list!

The code

The code used in this post can be accessed through the following files:

If you want to run this code locally, please follow instructions for setup on the readme here. The sbt command to run the particular test is test-only barbedwire.FoldLeftSuite.


  1. Optimizing Data Structures in High-Level Programs, Rompf et al..
  2. Building-Blocks for Performance Oriented DSLs, Rompf et al., DSL 2011


  1. Check out the building blocks paper to understand the creation of IR nodes a bit better [2]. 

  2. Thanks Nicolas for the consumer monster! 

Manohar Jonnalagedda 03 March 2015